
1300 137 037


The future of funding is here.

Last year we launched our new broker system, PF LIVE, which we believe is the best broker system in the market. Packed with features and functionality, PF LIVE provides our brokers with a better funding experience, and more data and transparency than they have ever had before.

Check out some of our market-leading features below:

Client cards

View all of your clients' information in the one spot, including all past and present contracts, communications and payment history. You can also submit, endorse and renew from one convenient location.

Activity feed

The activity feed updates in real-time to show you what your clients have been up to – when they log into our online acceptance platform, submit a contract, miss a payment and when we send them a communication.

In-depth reporting

Our range of reports provide you with an in-depth break down of your funding business with us - valuable tools for you to be review your premium funding strategies and identify key growth areas.

Stay connected

Our new messaging system on the homepage has been designed to communicate business updates, notify you of key events and acknowledge your important milestones. It keeps you in the know without having to read email after email.

Smarter search

Our search bar lets you find a client or contract as quick as a flash.

Preparing quotes and contracts

We have made the process of preparing a quote and submitting a contract simpler and faster - only asking you for the information we absolutely need.

We also have a number of further enhancements in the pipeline. In the coming months, we look forward to rolling out the following to our broker network:

Online cancellations

Update your clients' payment and contact details online
Client self-service portal

If you are a current user of PF LIVE, we would love to hear your thoughts on our system. We built PF LIVE specifically for our brokers, taking on feedback and suggestions every step along the way. 

So please, if you have a moment or two, click on the survey link below.

If you aren’t a current user of PF LIVE and would like to learn more, please contact us on 1300 278 382 or info@arteva.com.au.