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Use data to drive your funding business

Here at Arteva Funding, we are big on data.

We use it to guide our business decisions, inform growth strategies, improve our client experiences, identify trends, solve problems and understand performance. It helps us to work smarter and faster. Quite simply, we love data.

We know that some of our broker partners out there love data just as much as we do, so that’s why we are sharing what we know with them in our broker system, PF LIVE.

In PF LIVE, our broker partners have access to data that hasn’t been available to them before. Below we explore what data is available and how it can assist our brokers in both their day-to-day funding activities and long-term business strategies.

Track your performance against previous years

We make it easy for you to see how your funding business is tracking compared to previous years. It’s hard to miss the graph on our homepage that breaks down your volume and contracts month by month, or for a deeper look, you can access our broker reporting pack, PF INSIGHTS. PF INSIGHTS takes a closer look at your funding business with us, providing detailed information about renewals, account manager performance, client payment history and industry benchmarking data so you can see how you compare against your peers. You can use this valuable data to help identify opportunities and growth strategies to expand your funding book of business, which in turn assists with debtor management and strengthens client retention. 

See what’s happening with your clients’ funding in real-time

Be notified as it happens when a client logs in to take a look at their premium funding quote, if they submit online, when we send them a communication and if they miss a payment. The Activity Feed (located on the homepage) updates in real-time to alert you of any client actions or developments so that you can stay on top of your funding business. We even tell you what time the action has occurred and what device and operating system they were using – you might be surprised to see the amount of activity occurring each day before the sun is even up!

Consolidated client history and data

Our Client Card consolidates your clients’ funding history into the one spot providing you with a complete client overview. Included on the client card is a snapshot of their funding information, a complete contract listing (previous and active), their own Activity Feed and all of the communications we send them. You can also renew and endorse from the one convenient location. We plan on bringing some very cool extra features to the Client Card shortly, so watch this space for further developments that will ultimately make you and your client’s funding experience better and easier. 

You can learn a little bit more about PF LIVE here, or if you would like to chat to someone about how our data can assist you and your business, please get in touch with your BDM or email us at info@arteva.com.au